Kaia Back Pain, a digital therapy for the treatment of non-specific acute, subacute and recurrent back pain, has been permanently added to the Directory of Digital Health Applications (DiGA)
Kaia Back Pain, a digital therapy for the treatment of non-specific acute, subacute and recurrent back pain, has been permanently added to the Directory of Digital Health Applications (DiGA) by the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM. The digital therapy is available free of charge to Germans with statutory health insurance when prescribed.
Of the 69 million adults in Germany, an average of 52 million suffer from back pain in any given year, up to 90% of those being non-specific. The inclusion in the DiGA directory was based on the randomized-controlled study Rise-uP conducted by the Center of Interdisciplinary Pain Medicine at the Technical University of Munich, with more than 1,200 patients.
The digital therapy includes instructional videos that show and explain the movement exercises to the user, and Kaia's app-based motion coach analyzes the patient's movements in real time and provides feedback for correct and safe execution via computer vision technology and artificial intelligence (AI).
Reference: Kaia Health Becomes World's Most Broadly Covered Back Pain Offering After Gaining Approval for Prescription in Germany. NEW YORK, March 2, 2023 /PRNewswire.
FDA issues de novo clearance for SonoMotion’s Stone Clear device, for kidney stone treatment
Stone Clear is the first and only device cleared by the FDA that uses external ultrasound pulses to facilitate passage of post-lithotripsy kidney stone fragments without surgery.